Thursday, November 22, 2012

What are you thankful for?

It's Thanksgiving in the USA and as a freelancer working for mostly clients from the US, I don't have much work until the end of the week. I am not complaining though, it just gives me more time to blog, just one of the many things I am thankful for. 

Thanksgiving is a big holiday in the US where they celebrate their loved ones, good times, blessings and even their pets. It's like our Christmas here in the Philippines. 

But just because I'm not in the US doesn't mean I can't create a list of what I am thankful for.  And even if no one reads this list but me, I can always revisit this list whenever I'm feeling blue. And if anybody stops by to read this, I hope that this will inspire you to create your own.

So in no particular order, here goes my list.

  1. My family. I don't have a perfect family. We're not rich, we don't have enough money to buy what we want. We fight sometimes and we're not living together. But we stick through thick and thin. You can say that nobody amongst us had a miserable life. And most importantly, they are the reason why I completely believe in God, especially my parents. They were the ones who introduced me to God and I will forever be grateful for that.
  2. My friends. I have tons of friends and acquaintances. I think I have to give credit to my father's profession as a Protestant minister. Just like what I said in my previous post, we transfer from one place to another. But I only have a few friends I can rely on. And I will not be ashamed to name them here. They deserve credit for who I am right now. My bestfriends Laya and Jhen - they're my "to go to" friends. They understand every mood I'm in. My girls, Carla, Yjeen & Nickie - the people who will never judge me for who I am, but instead pray for me and with me, and will laugh and cry with me forever. They're my sisters from different mothers. My pusher friend Rain LOL - who never stops encouraging me to reach my dreams and push me to do something whenever I feel lazy. She's my #1 supporter in all my endeavors. She's also the one who inspired me to create this blog, so follow her blog guys! My baby girl Eenie, who always make me feel like I am needed and my opinion matters. Sometimes I feel like she's older than me. LOL. My superfriends Daddy Paul, Goldie, Donna, Sisturr, and Van - they say you can't have good friends at work, but I did! I left my job two years ago and we're still really close friends, so that really means something, right? My girlfriend Icha - who always supports me with my dreams and endeavors too. And my only guy friend, Onin, who sticks with me despite my unchanging moods, that I can drag anywhere I go. I truly value all of them.
  3. Traveling. When I was still studying, the only places I go to are home, school, church, and the mall sometimes. So thanks to my job, who gives me all the time to my hands, I can travel anytime I want to, as long as I have the budget for it.
  4. My job. I have been working from home for more than a year now and I am really loving it. The thought of coming back to the corporate world never comes to mind.
  5. Living in many places. Of course this has its disadvantages it, but hey, I still love it. I get to meet new people and all the places we lived on are all special and unique in its own ways.
  6. Standing on tops of the mountains/hills/islands. I'm not a mountaineer, and I don't aspire to be one. The trekking is really tiring and sometimes I wanna give up on the middle of it, but it's so cool when you're on the summit and you see the world all around you. It just make the climb all worth it.
  7. Churbish Shop. My online clothing store is not as big as any other shops in the country, but I love maintaining it and most especially when my customers love what they get from me.
  8. Good health. I've never had any major health issue. I was never confined in a hospital for a really serious disease. We never know what will happen, but I feel really grateful to have been blessed with good health.
  9. Being Filipino. It's not like I have something about other countries, but I don't have any reason not to love being a Filipino. Our country may not be perfect, but I still love it anyway.
  10. The beach. I am really in love with the scenery in the beach, who isn't? And I am really grateful to be able to see the beach at least once o twice a year.
  11. Facebook. I never really though this should be on the list but I truly am glad I joined. I reconnected with friends, see their updates, and get additional network for my online shop, too. LOL
  12. Invitations. Although I can't accept all of them, it just feels good to be invited to attend something.
  13. Digital cameras. Because I look good in the camera. LOL
  14. The kindness of strangers.
  15. Surviving storms and floods.
  16. Memories.
  17. Things to look forward to.
  18. My wavy hair.
  19. The hard times.
  20. Those who read what I write.
  21. Sunsets.
  22. Today.
  23. Laughter.
  24. My nephews' weird questions in life
  25. Me.
See, very random, right?

How about you? What are you thankful for? =)


  1. i might win the commentopr of the month :) hahaha
    Thanksss .. Youre one friend that i also go to when im down. SOmeone i can exchange letters with. someone i can rant about things and someone i will never get tired of calling my friend :) FFE :)

    1. I know right?! I miss writing letters with ya! Thanks for being my #1 fan LOL

  2. I am pretty much thankful for the same things! :)

    Stumbled upon your blog and followed you sis!!
    The Misty Mom

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Shari! Will check on your blog and will add you to my blogroll! =)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog.. Following you now! :) Kisses!!

    1. Hi Vanessa! Thanks for visiting back and for following too! =)

  4. you inspire me, i think i should start to write one by one all the things to be thankful this year!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  5. Hi girl! Thanks for dropping by! Go ahead, it always feels good to write down the things we are thankful for. =)
