Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Maxi Skirt for Extra Petite Girls

Hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA for quite some time. I've been hit by laziness LOL and I've been really busy with going back to the corporate world. I am starting with my new job on Monday and I am really excited. But that's probably for a different blog post.

Last Sunday, our church celebrated our 34th anniversary. I love going to church because I get to worship God together with other people. Aside from that, I also love dressing up and giving my best look for God. It's not about showing off your clothes or how beautiful you look but for me it's about letting God's glory radiant in you. Through that, people will see what an awesome Creator God is, because He created you. <3

So last Sunday, I wore something comfortable and something new. I am extra petite (4'10") so you can just imagine how small I am. I grew up not wearing long skirts and dresses because mother says I will look smaller in those styles.

But I took the courage of trying something new. My friend Rain is selling her brand new maxi pleated skirt, because like me, she's petite as well. And she also believes that maxi skirts are just for taller girls.

Being the impulsive buyer, I bought the skirt without knowing how to wear it. I spent a lot of time and found some pieces in my closet that match the skirt. But since it's my first time, I opted for something simple and safe.

What do you think? Keri ba?


  1. Hi there! You look great with it. Who said that it's for taller girls lang? Nice
